Monday, 16 February 2015

Two days late with this post, again. It seems to be becoming a recurring theme!

I've changed up the title of this series of posts as (hard to believe, I know) I don't actually take my camera with me everywhere I go, and as a result I don't always have enough photos to really justify these posts being called 'Doha Diaries: My week in pictures'. Therefore, they have become 'Doha Diaries: My week in the desert', as a way for me to just recap the week either with the photos I do have, or just as a written summary.

Last week was a fun week, kicking off with tennis with Marion (in the midst of a bit of a sandstorm!). I've really been enjoying our tennis sessions. Living with Marion and Jemma, two really active girls who lead very healthy lifestyles, has been a real eye opener for me, and made me look at my lifestyle a lot more closely. Whilst I am not horrendously unhealthy in what I eat (despite the fact I probably eat more chocolate than I should), I certainly don't have the fitness part nailed down, which is something I need (and want) to work on. Their genuine passion and love for sport has also led me to think a lot more about what I love, and what I am passionate about, which is something I will be focussing on a lot more going forward, as I have an awful lot of thinking to do with regards to the future.

Midweek brought a day of pampering and lunching at Banana Island for Jemma's birthday, followed by dinner at La Spiga to cap off a brilliant day. I am really enjoying time spent with Jemma and Marion, and feel so lucky to live with two such great, fun, kind, level headed girls, and to be able to call them my friends.

Thursday turned into a bit of an impromptu date night after a long and hectic day at work, that took Matt and I off to Burger Gourmet at Lagoona Mall for our weekly use of The Entertainer app. Remember that part about me saying I am not horrendously unhealthy in what i eat? Disregard Thursday. Cheese burger and cheese fries was a pretty sinful order..but oh so good!

For our Valentines dinner date on Saturday, I left the camera at home. I am dating the worlds most private person, and sometimes it is nice to just keep some things for ourselves. I did however ask him to take a snap of me with the beautiful roses he bought me. Such a lovely evening, and safe to say he spoilt me rotten! That isn't to say that he doesn't normally, because he does. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world every day of the week, and loved every single day, not just on February 14th :) Cheese alert!

I have been feeling particularly homesick these past few weeks, so I have been chatting to home as much as possible. My mum went into hospital for a knee replacement operation on Tuesday, and came home on Friday, so we had a good few days without Facetime which for us is a long time! It has been so nice to also Facetime my brother and my little newborn nephew Ryan, who is just getting cuter by the day.

I have also been in touch with my aunt who is now out of her coma, and it was very emotional receiving a lovely long message from her updating me on how she is doing. She mentioned how precious life is, and it is so true.

My family really need to stay out of hospital now!!

It was interesting listening to the third podcast (Episode 3 - Expats or Immigrants?) by Sarah Derrig and Kirsty Rice, as they talked a lot about family and how living abroad can actually bring families closer - for me, that really rang true. I lived at home before I moved out to Doha, and saw my family every day, and in that set up you almost certainly take advantage of that fact. Living away, however, means you appreciate the time spent talking to family even more. We have had our toughest times as a family during the last year and a half, and even though I've been living a 7 hour flight away, it definitely feels like we have become closer and stronger than ever before.

I hope you all had a good week, whatever you got up to and wherever in the world you are reading from :)

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